Data directly from the source: Providers
Improve data quality, network management and regulatory compliance with our credentialing solution
Simplify Your Credentialing Workflow
Credentialing can be costly and complicated for both providers and payers. For more than 20 years, CAQH has worked with plans, practices, groups and other organizations to make collecting, verifying and exchanging information needed for credentialing efficient and secure.
Drive Provider Engagement and Data Quality
Streamlined Credentialing
Providers and group administrators enter data once and it is shared with all plans they designate.
Enhanced Primary Source Verification
Manual processes are automated, simplified and improved.
Continuous Sanctions Monitoring
Sanctioned providers are flagged daily, improving network management and regulatory compliance.
Trusted by Providers Nationwide
Provider records across 757 specialties
Providers verified their data within the past 120 days
Of all US physicians participating
Participating dentists
The Credentialing Suite
For Providers
Two million providers enter, update and verify their information and select the organizations they wish to provide access, resulting in more accurate data and efficient business processes.
For Groups
CAQH streamlines workflows by enabling groups to centrally manage profiles and share them with participating plans.
For Dental Offices
CAQH has partnered with the American Dental Association to streamline credentialing for dental plans and reduce administrative burdens for practices.
Effective Credentialing Solutions
Impactful Results
Primary Source Verification
The CAQH Primary Source Verification solution validates credentialing information with live data from licensing boards, medical schools, government registries and other authoritative sources, delivering greater accuracy, speed and control to plans.

"Accessing quality data is fast and easy. The credentialing solution has improved our credentialing process tremendously."
Credentialing Specialist Lead
"The COB solution sells itself. Add to that a transparent pricing model and outstanding service and technical support, and you've got a wining combination."
Team Lead - COB & Medicare Claims
"My account manager has an understanding of our unique needs and is able to translate that insight to support our directory management and credentialing initiatives."
Supervisor, Provider Operations
Sanctions Monitoring
average time for plans to be notified of a disciplinary action.
compliantsanctions monitoring meets all NCQA factors for delegation agreements.
monitored for sanctions.
Provider Credentialing Solutions that Work
Reduce provider abrasion.
Manage networks more efficiently.
Maximize internal resources.