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Latest Reports & Issue Briefs


Establishing The Building Blocks For Price Transparency:

Industry Guidance on Provider to Payer Approaches for Good Faith Estimate Exchanges


Unifying Value:

Industry Opportunities to Streamline Value-based Payment Data Exchange


Opportunities to Enhance the Utility of Electronic Health Care Claims

Opportunities for operating rules to support claim submission, acknowledgement, and error reporting; VBP and SDOH; and telehealth POS assignment.

Solutions FAQs

Click here to see frequently asked questions for our provider data, member data and interoperability solutions.


Provider Data and Credentialing

Directory Management Icon

Directory Management


Coordination of Benefits

Provider Data and Credentialing

What is the Provider Data Portal?

The CAQH Provider Data Portal is an automated platform where physicians, dentists and other healthcare practitioners enter, update and verify professional and practice information and securely share it with the organizations that they authorize. 

How does the Provider Data Portal help me?

The Provider Data Portal allows you to store all your professional information including documents such as your license, training certificates, liability insurance and more. It also helps you ensure the information is correct by identifying errors and then sends you reminders when it’s time to confirm or update your information. 

Do all states accept data from CAQH?

The CAQH Provider Data Portal enables providers to generate a completed credentialing application that is accepted in all 50 states, even those with unique requirements. See the map.

The system is constantly being updated to address new state and federal regulatory requirements. 

The CAQH Provider Data Portal complies with data collection requirements for NCQA, URAC, and JCAHO and data is secure using HITRUST CSF best-in-class data protection standards.

How do health plans and payers use my data?

Public and commercial payers across the country access the information to address a variety of provider network uses, including credentialing, network and referral management, provider directories, health equity and more.

How widely used is the CAQH Provider Data Portal?

Currently, 2.5 million healthcare providers, >100K dentists and 1,000 health plans, hospitals and other healthcare organizations participate with CAQH solutions to simplify credentialing. This prevents you from having to enter the same information multiple times to accommodate payers on different platforms and credentialing cycles. 

Are all physicians and other healthcare professionals required to use the Provider Data Portal?

No, participation in the CAQH Provider Data Portal is voluntary. However, more than 1,000 health plans and other healthcare organizations have requested that their network providers use the Provider Data Portal for credentialing. 

Does it cost anything to use the Provider Data Portal?

No, health care providers may use the Provider Data Portal to enter, maintain and share their professional and practice information free of charge. Health plans and other healthcare organizations pay to use CAQH Provider Data for credentialing and other important administrative functions.  

How do I start using the CAQH Provider Data Portal?

You can choose to use the CAQH Provider Data Portal at any time. You may also receive a welcome email with a link to register if a health plan you are affiliated with asks CAQH to invite you to use the portal. 

  1. Register or update your profile at visit
  2. Complete your profile and upload your documents.
  3. Attest that all information is truthful and complete.
  4. Authorize plans or other organizations to access your profile.

Who can I contact for help or if I have any questions about CAQH Provider Data?

Contact the Help Desk using our Chat feature in the portal or call us toll-free at 888-599-1771. Please have your CAQH Provider ID available.

  • Live chat support is available through the portal Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM (EST). Automated chat support is available 24/7.
  • Phone support is available Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (EST). 

Is there training available if I need help?

Yes, CAQH University is an online, easy way to learn more about CAQH provider data solutions. This training is available at no additional charge and can be accessed through the Provider Data Portal.

Directory Management

Why is there a need to improve health plan provider directories?

The changing healthcare landscape brings new market realities: a wider range of consumer choices, lower-cost health plans with narrow provider networks, and limited knowledge among providers and patients about the specific insurance products in which they participate. Inaccuracies in provider directories can result in patients unknowingly accessing out-of-network providers or being unable to find where an in-network provider is located.

To address consumer concerns, the federal government, states and other regulatory bodies are issuing new regulations to ensure provider directories are current and accurate.

What happens if a health plan doesn't comply with the regulation?

Health plans may face monetary fines for noncompliance.

How does CAQH Directory Management Work?

The one-to-many solution enables providers to update a specific subset of their information required for provider directories within the CAQH Provider Data Portal. That information can then be shared with all participating health plans which providers authorize to receive their information. This process eliminates the need for outreach to providers from every plan with which they contract.

Beginning in December 2015, CAQH started emailing quarterly reminders to healthcare providers on behalf of participating health plans to review their directory information. The email asks providers to log in to the CAQH Provider Data Portal, review their provider directory information, make any necessary updates and then confirm that this information can be published. Those who do not respond to email are also contacted by phone. The confirmation is time stamped, and a snapshot of the information is taken for audit purposes.

Directory confirmation integrates with the regular CAQH Provider Data Portal attestation process that providers are familiar with for credentialing purposes, making the experience seamless.

Does CAQH conduct outreach to providers in Expired status?

Yes. CAQH conducts outreach to all providers, regardless of their CAQH Provider Data Portal status. If a provider in Expired status does not respond to the email outreach, CAQH will initiate a phone call to the provider. Phone calls are prioritized for providers who have been expired the longest, with a target of at least one phone outreach every six months to providers who do not respond to email communications.

Will CAQH Directory Management change the standard attestation cycle used in the Provider Data Portal?

Directory confirmation integrates with the regular CAQH Provider Data Portal attestation process. Providers are now able to both update their health plan directory information and re-attest to all their CAQH Provider Data Portal professional information concurrently. Providers who complete the required attestation steps upon receipt of the quarterly email will, in fact, be re-attesting to their data every 90 days.

However, should providers not follow this 90-day schedule to update their provider data, they are still required to attest to their data profiles every 120 days (every 180 days for IL providers) to comply with credentialing requirements. If providers do not attest within the required timeframe, their CAQH Provider Data Portal status will be changed to Expired.

What documentation is available to provide a record of the provider research?

Participating health plans have access to the Outreach Compliance Report, an auditable record of provider outreach performed by CAQH. CAQH reports on all active providers on a participating health plan’s directory roster who have completed attestation in CAQH Provider Data Portal, a record of all provider-facing communications, and the outcomes of those communications. This report is provided in ASCII or Excel format and available on the sFTP server.

The report includes:

  • Provider Identifiers (Name, CAQH Provider ID, Type 1 NPI)
  • Directory Confirmation Date
  • Recipient Email Address
  • Email Timestamp
  • Phone Number Called
  • Phone Call Timestamp
  • Phone Call Outcome

If a provider updates directory-specific information, is this data also available in the CAQH ProView standard extract used for credentialing and other purposes?

Yes. All attested provider updates made for directory use are available in the CAQH Provider Data Portal standard extract. Each provider’s data profile remains as a single dataset within the Provider Data Portal. This increases the accuracy of provider data used for credentialing and other purposes.

Does CAQH Directory Management require a different roster than the Provider Data Portal?

Yes. Health plans need to submit and maintain separate roster files for provider directory and all other uses, including credentialing. The provider directory file requires a specific format. Please contact your CAQH account manager to obtain access to the roster file specifications.

Providers submitted on a provider directory roster do not need to have an existing CAQH Provider Data Portal account or already be included on a traditional CAQH Provider Data Portal roster. CAQH sends new providers a welcome email inviting them to join CAQH Provider Data Portal to create, update and maintain their directory information.

How often may a roster file be submitted?

Roster additions may be submitted daily. Rosters should reflect the names of providers currently participating in, or contracted with, the health plan’s network.

Does a health plan need to submit the full roster file every time or just updates?

Health plans should send only additions and deletions after the initial directory roster submission. Providers remain on a plan’s directory roster until the plan explicitly indicates they should be removed.

For credentialing, I was able to add and remove providers from my roster via the CAQH Provider Data Portal web interface. May I continue to do that for Directory Management?

As of January 2016, adding and removing providers within the roster is managed via SFTP roster files.

What if I would like the traditional CAQH Provider Data Portal and directory rosters to have the same set of providers? Do I still need to submit two different files with the same providers?

Yes, the system has been designed for different sets of providers, to allow for cases in which a plan must outreach to providers whom they are not credentialing.

CAQH can assist in transforming a current return roster into directory roster. After the initial directory roster submission, you will have to submit the same additions and removals to both rosters.

Do participating health plans receive a provider directory return roster and extract separate from current CAQH Provider Data Portal files?

Yes. A provider directory return roster is sent to organizations participating in CAQH Directory Management.

A provider directory extract is available to health plans that participate. This data extract contains any confirmed and attested information for all providers on an organization’s provider directory roster. Data extracts include only those providers who have attested since the last extract was received. A summary file is included in the extract to identify what directory information has changed since the last attestation.

Coordination of Benefits

What is CAQH Coordination of Benefits?

Coordination of Benefits (COB) has been a persistent challenge for the healthcare industry, resulting in delayed and inaccurate payments, appeals and significant recovery activities and expenses. The COB Solution is a forward-thinking registry of coverage information that enables health plans and providers to correctly identify which members have benefits that should be coordinated. This way, corresponding claims are processed correctly, the first time.

How does CAQH Coordination of Benefits work?

Participating health plans supply information to the CAQH COB registry each week, where it is compared with data from other health plans to identify patients with coverage from more than one plan. National Association of Insurance Commissioners' (NAIC) rules are applied to determine the correct order of primacy for benefit coverage. Relevant information is then shared with each participating health plan that insure the member and is also accessible to providers so they can route claims correctly. 

Why use CAQH COB?

CAQH Coordination of Benefits streamlines benefit coordination for health plans, providers and patients. Timely and accurate COB information produced by CAQH COB increases efficiency and helps to reduce:

  • Administrative costs
  • Inaccurate payments
  • Member and provider call volumes
  • Claim rework
  • Dependency on overpayment and recovery vendors

Who should use CAQH COB?

CAQH COB can be used by many types of health organizations:

  • Health Plans
  • State Sponsored Programs
  • Clearinghouses

Who can I contact for help or if I have any questions about CAQH COB?

To learn more about reducing the challenges and costs associated with coordination of benefits, contact your CAQH representative or email:

Case Studies

Read how our data solutions have helped save costs and reduce administrative burdens across the healthcare industry.

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