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Industry Research

The CAQH Insights team releases issue briefs outlining their work and research. Explore the issue briefs and reports below to learn about cost saving opportunities for the healthcare industry and more. 

Implementing FHIR Technology: A Provider Perspective

Implementing FHIR Technology: A Provider Perspective

This issue brief details the challenges providers face in improving interoperability and adopting FHIR.

Increasing Transparency of Healthcare Charges: It’s a Manual Process

Increasing Transparency of Healthcare Charges: It’s a Manual Process

This issue brief examines how GFEs are generated and communicated and opportunity areas to reduce provider burden.

Delegated Management Vendors and the Automation Opportunity

Delegated Management Vendors and the Automation Opportunity

This issue brief explores how plans and providers interact with delegated management vendors (DMVs) and identifies opportunities to improve how information is exchanged.

How Health Plans Connect: Payer-to-Payer Data Sharing

How Health Plans Connect: Payer-to-Payer Data Sharing

This issue brief outlines health plans’ strategies and considerations for interoperability and the use of FHIR APIs to exchange data.

Clinical Documentation

Clinical Documentation

This issue brief, published in June 2022, outlines challenges faced by health plans and providers when exchanging clinical and administrative attachments for prior authorizations and claims.

Accelerating Interoperability and Patient Access

Accelerating Interoperability and Patient Access

This issue brief explores the healthcare industry's efforts towards meeting the goals of the 2020 CMS Interoperability Rule.

Communicating Attribution: Accessibility of Information to Support Value-based Payment Initiatives

Communicating Attribution: Accessibility of Information to Support Value-based Payment Initiatives

Published in November 2021, this issue brief outlines how patient attribution is exchanged and the challenges providers face related to attribution.